The Stubble Buddy is the creation of Aaron Marino, a two-time Shark Tank entrepreneur, and one of the biggest men's style and grooming influencers on YouTube with over 6M+ fans.

The idea for Stubble Buddy came about naturally like most ingenious ideas.

After years of getting the deservedly “evil eye” from his better half after not cleaning up his stubble and manscaping mess, Aaron sought for years to create a solution for an age old problem…

How does a gent get motivated to clean-up the mess he makes in the bathroom?

Simple – create a super-simple, easy-to-use, affordable, slick grooming tool that quickly and effectively cleans up the bathroom without taking up much space.

BOOM. The Stubble Buddy was born!

Okay, we know the Stubble Buddy won’t change the world. But it will keep your bathroom way cleaner and your partner way happier and that's more than good enough for us! 

Not too bad for a little bad boy tool.

So, Stay Out Of Stubble Trouble and grab a Stubble Buddy today.



Stubble Buddy is a sister company of Pete & Pedro – an Aaron Marino company. Please note all orders will be fulfilled at the Pete & Pedro facility and invoices will say Pete & Pedro (not Stubble Buddy) on your billing statement.